Already been here and gone, just the tops of the grass bending. (Michael Hannon, “Angels”)

My heart is moved by all I cannot save: so much has been destroyed. (Adrienne Rich, “Natural Resources”)

A traveler, who has lost his way, should not ask, “Where am I?” What he really wants to know is, “where are the other places?” He has got his own body, but he has lost them. (Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality)

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I am a sculptor who gives form and voice to lived experience. I use any media necessary for my content, as I explore processes of translation and transformation: from inner state to outer form, from two dimensions to three dimensions and back again, from constraint and constriction to expansion and comprehension. I'm a topologist, engaging in careful, but ultimately incomplete, translation. I’m a cartographer, mapping territories of discovery and loss and tracing the trajectories of dreams.

Mapping Nebraska is fueled by my longing for a sense of place and my frustration at my ignorance of where I live.

I want to locate myself in a literal way by understanding the state where I live. In the process, I am grappling with long-standing concerns in my art: how to translate from two dimensions to three dimensions and back again; how a terrain can be at once physical, cultural and emotional; how we fabricate our identity, history, and understanding of the world; and how the digital (pixels) can inform and be informed by the digital (the work of the hand). My intention is to contrast the abstract knowledge obtained by mapping with the experiential knowledge obtained by standing on the same ground.

My maps are translations and like all translations, something is both lost and gained. Absolute completeness and total accuracy are beyond my capabilities. But I can aim for fidelity, for truthfulness, and for a visceral connection between how boundaries and contours look on the map and how it feels to journey over and through rolling hills and waving grasses.

I hope that my work will appeal to Nebraskans and to others living on the Great Plains as well as to anyone who has lost or found or is searching for a sense of place.