| quote of the week archive |
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| You must show industry, generosity, happiness and hope. You must plant the seed, confident that it will endure. —Hopi elder |
| “I don’t see how you’ve gotten through this period! Whenever you’re in distress, you must go to the sun and the sea.” — The second-best-astrologer in New York to Robert Raushenberg, prompting his move to Key West |
| If nothing sensuous is present no art is present. Art is close dangerous play with unconscious forces. —Iris Murdoch |
| if we do not stop killing the other in ourselves the self we hate in others soon we shall all lie in the same direction —Audre Lorde |
| Beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror we're still just able to bear —Rainer Maria Rilke |
| The truth is more important that the facts. —Frank Lloyd Wright |
| I write from absolute inner necessity, responding to my location in time and place, trying to find a language equal to that. —Muriel Rukeyser |
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