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At some point I had the overwhelming sensation of actually being within the web site, within the work, within the mind of the originator and of losing all sense of time and place. There was an accompanying feeling of tremendous loss held in tension by an equally strong feeling of having received treasure beyond measure or definition. This disorientation had to do with a strongly synchronistic overlap into my dream time which actually completed a piece of a dream from last night.  
Your site spoke to me almost as if I were whispering secrets to myself. My sister, a novelist, suggested I visit, and I am very glad I did. In this cyber-world, contact is made at an eerie distance, but you touched me with your words and images and memories, every so lightly, but with such clarity. I felt connected to you and am glad of it. Even should I never know more of you than this, I am impressed with your gifts and grateful you're choosing to share them.  
Went in this morning for a casual look and was totally engrossed for one and a half hours--and still haven't completed the Antarctica sequence (if indeed it can be completed). I will spend more time in the near future and possibly contact the originator of such a profound experience. I am writing in Xhosa tradition, which prohibits naming that person or thing before which one stands in awe.  
I stumbled upon your poem while searching the web for Villager we used to wear...exactly like you described. I was mesmerized by the poem. Couldn't stop reading it. It read like my life. Anyhow, I think I had the exact same blue flowered, peter-pan collared, belted shirtwaist that you describe. I suppose it is gone forever, like those innocent days. Couldn't forget completely, last month I married my old high school sweetheart from 1972, the one I used to make out with in that Villager dress. Now you know why I'm searching for it.
The bones look great, wonderful to see that the casts served their desired purpose. As far as the Web site, visually interesting, some of the comments put off an image of a mad woman trying to make sense of a world that does not want to be figured out.  
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